Sunday, June 10, 2012

Uneven Growth of Polytechnic Education

During the last decade, our country has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of Engineering Colleges providing technical manpower at Degree level. However, the growth of technical institutions at diploma level has not been proportionate to the degree in Engineering. Whereas, the expansion of Degree level institutions has been several fold, the Diploma institutions expansion has suffered a setback. At present, the student intake in degree level courses is around 8 lakh per annum as against 5 lakh in diploma level.    The  present  ratio  of  degree  to  diploma  holders  is  around  1.6:1, whereas ideally it should be 1:3. This is in view  of more private initiatives for starting colleges as self financing institutions coming up in the degree level institutions compared to the diploma level institutions.

Aim of Polytechnic Education

The aim of the polytechnic education is to create a pool of skill based manpower to support shop floor and field operations as a middle level link between   technicians   and   engineers.   The   pass-outs   of   Diploma   level Institutions in Engineering & Technology play an important role in managing shop-floor operations. It is further an established fact that small & medium Industry prefer to employ Diploma Holders because of their special skills in interpreting enigineering, drawings, estimating, costing,  billing, supervision, measurement, testing, repair & maintenance etc.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Polytechnic Institutes in India

Total No of Polytechnic Institute
RegionStateInstitution TypeNo Of Polytechnic Institute
Govt aided1
Unaided - Private13
Chhattisgarh Total34

Govt aided11
Unaided - Private65
University Managed2
Gujarat Total105
Madhya Pradesh

Govt aided5
Unaided - Private34
Madhya Pradesh Total92

Central Total
EasternArunachal Pradesh

Unaided - Private1
Arunachal Pradesh Total2



Assam Total12


Govt aided

Unaided - Private9
Jharkhand Total23



Manipur Total1



Meghalaya Total3

Govt aided3
Unaided - Private81
Orissa Total97


Govt aided

Sikkim Total2



Tripura Total1
West Bengal

Govt aided1
Unaided - Private38
West Bengal Total81

Eastern Total



Unaided - Private1
Chandigarh Total5

Govt aided2
Unaided - Private18
Delhi Total31

Govt aided6
Unaided - Private150
Haryana Total186

Himachal Pradesh


Unaided - Private21
Himachal Pradesh Total31
Jammu and Kashmir

Unaided - Private7
Jammu and Kashmir Total13

Govt aided5
Unaided - Private124
Punjab Total155

Govt aided4
Unaided - Private168
University Managed3
Rajasthan Total214

North-West Total



Unaided - Private7
Bihar Total18

Dadra and Nagar Haveli


Dadra and Nagar Haveli         Total1
Uttar Pradesh

Govt aided15
Unaided - Private189
Uttar Pradesh Total277

Govt aided1
Unaided - Private35
Uttarakhand Total69

Northern Total

South-Central  Andhra Pradesh

Govt aided4
Unaided - Private177
 Andhra Pradesh  Total297

South-Central Total

Govt aided41
Unaided - Private113
University Managed1
Karnataka Total252

Govt aided6
Unaided - Private10
Kerala Total66

South-West Total


Unaided - Private2
Puducherry Total9
Tamil Nadu

Govt aided34
Unaided - Private389
Tamil Nadu Total453

Southern Total

Daman and Diu


Daman and Diu Total1

Govt aided2
Unaided - Private3
Goa Total9

Govt aided36
Unaided - Private517
Maharashtra Total599

Western Total


Grand Total

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Question Bank of DBMS

Q.1    An entity is
(a) a collection of items in an application
(b) a distinct real world item in an application
(c) an inanimate object in an application
(d) a data structure
Q.2    A relationship is
(a) an item in an application
(b) a meaningful dependency between entities
(c) a collection of related entities
(d) related data
Q.3    The entity set is a
(a) set of entities
(b) collection of different entities
(c) collection of related entities
(d) collection of similar entities
Q.4    Attributes are
(i) properties of relationship
(ii) attributed to entities
(iii) properties of members of an entity set
(a) i (b) i and ii
(c) i and iii (d) iii

Q.5    The expansion of E-R diagram is
(a) Entity-Relationship diagram
(b) Entity-Relative diagram
(c) Entity-Relation diagram
(d) Entity-Rationalized diagram
Q.6    In an E-R diagram entities are represented by
(a) circles
(b) rectangles
(c) diamond shaped box
(d) ellipse
Q.7    In an E-R diagram relationship is represented by
(a) circles
(b) rectangles
(c) diamond shaped box
(d) ellipse
Q.8   Entities are identified from the word statement of a problem by
(a) picking words which are adjectives
(b) picking words which are nouns
(c) picking words which are verbs
(d) picking words which are pronouns
Q.9    Relationships are identified from the word statement of a problem by
(a) picking words which are adjectives
(b) picking words which are nouns
(c) picking words which are verbs
(d) picking words which are pronouns
Q.10    One entity may be
(a) related to only one other entity
(b) related to itself
(c) related to only two other entities
(d) related to many other entities
Q.11    By relation cardinality we mean
(a) number of items in a relationship
(b) number of relationships in which an entity can appear
(c) number of items in an entity
(d) number of entity sets which may be related to a given entity
Q.12    If an entity appears in only one relationship then it is
(a) a 1:1 relationship
(b) a 1:N relationship
(c) a N:1 relationship
(d) a N:M relationship
Q.13   If an entity appears in N relationships then it is
(a) a 1:1 relationship
(b) a 1:N relationship
(c) a N:1 relationship
(d) a N:M relationship
Q.14    A relation is
(a) an entity
(b) a relationship
(c) members of a relationship set
(d) members of an entity set or a relationship set

Q.15    Rows of a relation are called
(a) tuples
(b) a relation row
(c) a data structure
(d) an entity
Q.16    A database is a
(a) collection of files
(b) collection of inputs and outputs of application
(c) collection of related data necessary to manage an organization
(d) data resource of an organization
Q.17    A database models data so that it is
(a) appropriate for application
(b) independent of application program
(c) optimized for most frequent applications
(d) optimized for all applications
Q.18    A database should be designed to allow providing
(a) different views of portions of data requested by an application
(b) data only to selected applications as decided by an organization
(c) a uniform view of data to all applications
(d) data to all applications
Q.19    The abbreviation DBMS stands for
(a) Data Base Manipulation System
(b) Data Bank Manipulating System
(c) Data Base Management System
(d) Data Bank Management System
Q.20    A DBMS is
(a) another name for database system
(b) independent of a database
(c) dependent on application programs
(d) is a set of procedures which manage a database
Q.21    A DBMS
(a) is a set of procedures
(b) manages a database
(c) is a set of procedures to manage a database to provide data as required by
(d) provides data to applications
Q.22    One of the main objectives of a DBMS is to
(a) Create a database for an organization
(b) Facilitate sharing of a database by current and future applications
(c) Allow sharing application programs
(d) Replace file based systems
Q.23    Database is
(a) an important resource of an organization
(b) not relevant to existing programs
(c) not relevant for future programs
(d) not as good as files as there is redundancy
Q.24    By data independence we mean application programs
(a) do not need data
(b) may be developed independent of data
(c) may be developed without knowing the organization of data
(d) may be developed with independent data

Q.25    Data independence allows
(i) no changes in application programs
(ii) change in database without affecting application programs
(iii) hardware to be changed without affecting application programs
(iv) system software to be changed without affecting application programs
(a) i, ii (b) ii, iii
(c) ii, iii, iv (d) i, ii, iv
Q.26    Data independence allows
(a) sharing the same database by several applications
(b) extensive modification of applications
(c) no data sharing between applications
(d) elimination of several application programs
Q.27    Among objectives of DBMS are ensuring
(i) data integrity
(ii) data redundancy
(iii) data security
(iv) easy data retrieval
(a) i, ii (b) i, iii
(c) i, iii, iv (d) i, ii, iii
Q.28    DBMS
(a) does not allow replication of data
(b) allows controlled replication of data if it improves performance
(c) does not allow common data to be duplicated
(d) does not allow replication as it adversely affects reliability
Q.29    DBMS must implement management controls to
(i) control access rights to users
(ii) implement audit trail when changes are made
(iii) allow data to be used extensively in the organization
(iv) duplicate databases
(a) i, ii (b) ii, iii
(c) iii, iv (d) i, iv
Q.30    An E-R modelling for given application leads to
(a) conceptual data model
(b) logical data model
(c) external data model
(d) internal data model
Q.31    A conceptual data model is converted using a Relational Data Base
Management System to a
(a) logical data model
(b) external data model
(c) internal data model
(d) an entity-relation data model
Q.32    A subset of logical data model accessed by programmers is called a
(a) conceptual data model
(b) external data model
(c) internal data model
(d) an entity-relation data model

Q.33    When a logical model is mapped into a physical storage such as a disk store the
resultant data model is known as
(a) conceptual data model
(b) external data model
(c) internal data model
(d) disk data model
Q.34    A DBMS has the following components
(i) a data definition language
(ii) a query language
(iii) a security system
(iv) audit trail
(a) i, ii (b) i, ii, iii
(c) i, ii, iii, iv (d) i, ii, iv
Q.35    A check pointing system is needed
(a) to ensure system security
(b) to recover from transient faults
(c) to ensure system privacy
(d) to ensure system integrity
Q.36    A database administrator
(a) administers data in an organization
(b) controls all inputs and all outputs of programs
(c) is controller of data resources of an organization
(d) controls all data entry operators
Q.37    The responsibilities of a database administrator includes
(i) maintenance of data dictionary
(ii) ensuring security of database
(iii) ensuring privacy and integrity of data
(iv) obtain an E-R model
(a) i, ii (b) i, ii, iii
(c) i, ii, iii, iv (d) ii, iii, iv
Q.38    Access right to a database is controlled by
(a) top management
(b) system designer
(c) system analyst
(d) database administrator
Q.39    The sequence followed in designing a DBMS are
(a) physical model _ conceptual model _ logical model
(b) logical model _ physical model _ conceptual model
(c) conceptual model _ logical model _ physical model
(d) conceptual model _ physical model _ logical model
Q.40    Designing physical model of DBMS requires information on
(i) data volume
(ii) frequency of access to data
(iii) programming language used
(iv) secondary memory characteristics
(a) i, ii (b) i, ii, iii
(c) i, ii, iii, iv (d) i, ii, iv

Q.41    A good database design
(i) caters primarily to current needs
(ii) caters to current and future needs as organizations grow
(iii) has to be modified when hardware is upgraded
(iv) ensures data security
(a) i, ii (b) i, ii, iii
(c) ii, iv (d) iii, iv
Q.42    A good database design
(i) is expandable with growth and changes in organization
(ii) easy to change when software changes
(iii) ensures data integrity
(iv) allows access to only authorized users
(a) i, ii (b) ii, iii
(c) i, ii, iii, iv (d) i, ii, iii

Q.1          Define the following terms-                                                                                                                
                (i) DataBase          (ii) Entity                (iii) Attribute        
(iv) Relationship   (v) Cardinality
Q.2          Explain in brief with an example –                                                                                                   
                (i) Schema              (ii) Data Model      (iii)  Primary Key (iv) Foreign Key
Q.3          Construct an E-R Diagram that models Books written by an Author and published by a Publisher. Assume the attributes for entities and underline the primary key for each entity.                               
Q.4          Construct an ER model for a car insurance company whose customer own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to any number of recorded accidents.
Q.5          Construct an ER model for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctor. A log of the various tests and examinations conducted for each patients is also maintained.
Q.6          Draw an ER diagram for a customer and account with an attribute attached to a relationship set Depositor.
Q.7          Draw an ER diagram of the registration process of a student in a particular course.
Q.8          What is Data?
Q.9          What is Database?
Q.10        What is Database Management System?
Q.11        What is DDL?
Q.12        What is DML?
Q.13        What is the difference between DDL & DML?
Q.14        What are the differences between file system and database system?
Q.15        What are the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS?
Q.16        Explain different types of data models?
Q.17        Describe the three-schema architecture.
Q.18        What is the difference between logical and physical data independence?
Q.19        What is Key?
Q.20        What is super Key?
Q.21       What is candidate Key?
Q.22       What is primary Key?
Q.23        What is Foreign Key?

Question Bank of OOPs

Q.1          Object is Variable of
                (a) Inheriance        (b) Polymorphism (c) Class                (d) Data Hiding
Q.2          We can derive a new Classs from Base Class by using
                (a) Polymorphism (b) Inheriance       (c) Data Hiding     (d) Class
Q.3          Function Overloading is part of
                (a) Inheriance        (b) Polymorphism (c) Class                (d) Data Hiding
Q.4          << is called
                (a) Insertion Operator          (b) Extraction Operator        (c) Object               (d) Header File
Q.5          >> is called
                (a) Insertion Operator          (b) Extraction Operator        (c) Object               (d) Header File
Q.6          Out of which one is not the keyword in C++
                (a) array                 (b) if        (c) else   (d) data
Q.7          We pass array to a function as a
                (a) Pass by Value                 (b) Pass by Reference        
(c) Pas by Constant             (d) array can not pass to a function
Q.8          The parameter which are written within the function header are
                (a) Actual parameter            (b) Formal Parameter            (c) Static Parameter     (d) Global Parameter
Q.9          The binding of data and function together into a single unit class is called
                (a) Inheriance        (b) Encapsulation                 (c) Overloading    (d) Data Hiding
Q.10        The access specifier tells about
                (a) Visibility of member       (b) Polymorphism (c) Class                (d) Object
Q.11        Object is
                (a) Instance of  Class           (b) Instance of  Int               (c) Class                (d) Not available in oop
Q.12        Which is not an access specifier?
                (a) Private              (b) Public               (c) Protected         (d) Void
Q.13        Constructor is a
                (a) Member Function           (b) Member Data                  (c) Class                (d) Object
Q.14        Constructor can be used for
                (a) Automatic initialization (b) Creating Objects            (c) Data Hiding     (d) Creating Class
Q.15        Copy Constructor are used
                (a) to copy one object to another      (b) to verify objects            
(c) to change data member                 (d) to change the name of member function 
Q.16        Find errors, if any, in the following C++ statements: 
16.1           cout<<”x=”x;
16.2           int mul (int a,b);
16.3           float average (x,y);
16.4           long float x;

Q.17         Convert the following expression into C++ statements:                                                                  

17.1           xy + zy/x
17.2           XYZ2 + Y2Z3 
Q.18         Calculate the following expression if x=5, y=4, z=3                                                                                    
18.1           x + y * z +y/x *z
18.2           x/y + z * 2
18.3           (x + y) * z + y/(x *z)
18.4           ! (x<y)
18.5           ! (x<y) && (y >z)

Q.1          What is Expression?
Q.2          What is the difference between = and === operator?
Q.3          What is the difference between C++ Class and C++ Structure?
Q.4          What are the important characteristics of OOP?
Q.5          What is Scope Resolution Operator?
Q.6          What is the difference between class and Object?
Q.7          What is class? How object of a class are created?
Q.8          What is Constructor?
Q.9          What is Destructor?
Q.10        What is Copy Constructor?
Q.11        How does a main () function in C++ differ from main() in C?
Q.12        What is a reference variable? What is its major use?
Q.13        What do you mean by dynamic initialization of a variable? Give an example.
Q.14        How does an Inline function differ from a preprocessor macro?
Q.15        When will you make a function Inline? Why?
Q.16        What is a parameterized constructor?
Q.17        What is constructor overloading?
Q.18        What is Constructor? Explain with an example various types of constructors.      
Q.19        What is Inline function? Explain with an example.                                                       
Q.20        Write a program in C++ which generates series of prime numbers using constructor
Q.21        Distinguish between the following terms:
                (a)           Object and Class
                (b)           Data abstraction and Data encapsulation
                (c)           Inheritance and polymorphism
                (d)           Dynamic binding and Message Passing
Q.22        write a function using reference variables as arguments to swap the values of a pair of integers.