Sunday, September 11, 2011

Main Problems of Polytechnic Education in India

Over the years, the diploma programmes have deteriorated losing the skill components, which has resulted in their being just a diluted version of degree education. The organizations  employing them have to train them all over again in basic skills. Major problems being faced by the polytechnic education system are: -

1.       Non - availability of courses in new and emerging areas.

2.        Inadequate infrastructure facilities and obsolete equipment.

3.       System unable to attract quality teachers

4.       Inadequate financial resources

5.      Inadequate or non-existence of state policies for training and  retraining of faculty and staff

6.      Lack of flexibility and autonomy to the institutions

7.       Inadequate industry institute participation

8.       Lack of Research and Development in technician   education

9.       Antiquated Curricula.

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